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Designer Spotlight — BLACKSHEEP

In our fifth Designer Spotlight interview, we spoke to Jude Watson, Creative Director at BLACKSHEEP. From printing and folding sets of drawings as his first job to working with global brands, Jude is an undeniable talent in the industry. Continue reading to learn more about Jude’s career, his favourite projects, and what is next for BLACKSHEEP.

U. How did you get into design?

J. Having an architect in the family was definitely a big influence. I remember growing up in a big old Victorian terraced house where there was an unfurnished room upstairs complete with bare floorboards, and overly friendly pigeons and it was here that my dad set up his practice. I still remember him working away on an old timber drawing board when he first started the business and later, I’d hang out at his office when he was there on weekends.

My first summer job was printing and folding sets of drawings in his tiny subterranean print room. Even though I can still smell the distinct odor of the printer ink, I stuck with it and ended up studying Interior Architecture at Nottingham Trent University.

U. You have a diverse portfolio of commercial projects, what is your favourite sector to work in?

J. Hospitality, without a doubt. Crafting a successful venue demands a delicate balance of countless elements, making each project a unique challenge. Beyond the aesthetics of restaurant design, there’s the customer experience and ambient elements to consider; from the cuisine and plating, tableware, drinks styling, acoustics, staff presentation, branding and lighting design all come into play. A successful venue design captivates all five senses and I really enjoy the interaction and collaboration with the wider project team to get all these touchpoints working harmoniously.

Krispy Kreme – Multiple Sites

U. What is your favourite project you’ve done to date?

J. Being asked by Krispy Kreme to completely reinvent their in-store aesthetic was both challenging and very rewarding. Our work was recognised by the international design community and influenced the brands global design strategy that was ultimately tailored into a financially viable roll out model across Australia and New Zealand.

More recently we’ve been working with Coogee Diggers to reposition the club as a Health and Wellness destination. Through a juxtaposition of fixtures and details the design response delivers contemporary moments of nostalgia that add unique and intriguing layers to the brand and customer experience, elevating the club’s important role within the local community.

U. What is your design process, and does it change much depending on the project?

J. Our approach at BLACKSHEEP has been significantly shaped by our collaboration with global brands like Pizza Hut and Jamie Oliver. Our process starts with thorough research and strategic analysis, enabling us to gain an understanding of our target audience and their diverse needs—ranging from aesthetic preferences to functional requirements and immersive experiences. This initial stage serves as the foundation for our conceptual thinking which then flows into documentation phases. This process remains consistent, catering to both established and startups clients.

U. How would you describe your design style?

J. I’m a Brutalist tragic (or anything remotely “concretey” for that matter) but it’s not something I try to impose on clients. My design responses are directly informed by each brief and I try to avoid being overly reliant on trends and fads, hence the visually diverse portfolio.

A theme that does appear within my work would be one of contrast and juxtaposition. Whether it’s a clean steel edge detail set against a crumbling brick wall or an organic form that sits within a more rigid, linear space it’s a narrative that continues through most projects and often my ‘go to’ if I get hit with designer’s block.

Coogee Diggers HIT – Coogee, NSW

U. What are your tips for collaborating with clients to create the best possible space?

J. Be a good listener, be patient, and if you must provide critique the ‘shit sandwich’ technique tends to work!

U. What do you love most about design?

J. Design, in a pure sense, is an invitation to deconstruct the familiar and reconstruct it with a fresh perspective. It is a blank canvas where I can blend diverse influences and manifest them within a 3-dimensional space. I see the design process as a vehicle for collaboration and gaining knowledge – it’s a shared conversation and a fusion of ideas and expertise that breathes life into our work, a process that I really enjoy.

What I love most about design is its power to infuse joy, evoke emotions and connect with people on a deeper level. It has the potential to disrupt, to challenge preconceptions, and to break free from established norms and ultimately enrich our daily lives.

U. What advice would you give to someone entering the interior design business?

J. Be curious!!! I was quite reserved when I started my career and ended up blagging my way through situations claiming that I knew what my peers were discussing. Thankfully the Internet was just becoming a thing, so I managed to get away with it most of the time but unfortunately missed out on more meaningful discourse and engagement with my colleagues.

U. What are your upcoming trends predictions?

J. I’m not too bothered… as long as it isn’t concrete.

Quick Fire Questions:

U. Working digitally or on paper?

J. Digitally although I hate to say it. Hand drawing is a dying art unfortunately.

U. Early bird or night owl?

J. Night owl.

U. Guilty pleasure?

J. A well-crafted pun.

U. Best and worst interior design trends?

J. Are we done with fake archways yet?

U. You’re hosting your dream dinner party, who are your three guests?

J. Diego Maradona, Kate Moss and Tadao Ando.

U. What’s next for BLACKSHEEP?

J. We have some fantastic opportunities in the pipeline but if I told you what they were I’d have to kill you.

Learn more about BLACKSHEEP here. 

Whether you’re a designer interested in being featured in Designer Spotlight or a looking for innovative design and fit-out solutions to level up your business, we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch here

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